- games
0 : hidden from 03-10-2021 14:14:48+02:00 till 03-10-2021 14:15:32+02:00 in cyarco.com/theCyborgMatrix/data/
Found by Mark

1 : hidden from 03-10-2021 14:15:32+02:00 till 03-10-2021 14:16:20+02:00 in cyarco.com/lostCTRL/
Found by Charles

2 : hidden from 03-10-2021 14:16:20+02:00 till 03-10-2021 14:17:03+02:00 in cyarco.com/
Found by anonymous

3 : hidden from 03-10-2021 14:17:03+02:00 till 03-10-2021 18:21:05+02:00 in cyarco.com/portrayed_exe/
Found by Charles

4 : hidden from 03-10-2021 18:21:05+02:00 till 03-10-2021 19:30:20+02:00 in cyarco.com/structure/
Found by Charles

5 : hidden from 03-10-2021 19:30:20+02:00 till 03-10-2021 19:31:17+02:00 in cyarco.com/icon/
Found by Mark

6 : hidden from 03-10-2021 19:31:17+02:00 till 03-10-2021 19:32:29+02:00 in cyarco.com/portrayed_exe/final/
Found by anonymous

7 : hidden from 03-10-2021 19:32:29+02:00 till 03-10-2021 19:32:55+02:00 in cyarco.com/
Found by Charles

8 : hidden from 03-10-2021 19:32:55+02:00 till 03-10-2021 19:35:30+02:00 in cyarco.com/icon/
Found by anonymous

9 : hidden from 03-10-2021 19:35:30+02:00, and not found yet

- home cyarco.com/waldo
- scandir httpdocs

Waldo is already hiding somewhere in
the archive of https://noemata.net/

Look for the waldo.php script

There is a fundamental difference between movement in a physical space and movement in a digital domain. When physically moving between point A and B there is and interval in which the object is in between the two locations. Digitally moving information between two points does not involve this interval in space and time. The old Windows XP icons may show files flowing from one folder to another, behind the scenes information is copied to the new location and removed from the original place. The information that makes the object is either at point A or B.

Where is Waldo php, 2021
Cyborg Art Collective

    [Cyber-parrot] => Array
            [css] => endpoint
            [js] => endpoint

    [OMItUH] => Array
            [Cert] => endpoint
            [CertPdf] => endpoint
            [Ids] => endpoint
            [Lowres] => endpoint
            [pdf] => Array
                    [doc] => endpoint
                    [font] => endpoint
                    [makefont] => endpoint


    [PKC] => endpoint
    [Signal_Orange_and_the_Color_Blind] => endpoint
    [Total_Lockdown_edition] => Array
            [cash] => endpoint
            [img] => endpoint
            [scripts] => endpoint

    [bucket] => Array
            [Dancing_particles] => endpoint
            [One Must Imagion the User Happy] => endpoint
            [Pixel Perfect] => endpoint
            [Pixels for Sale] => endpoint
            [Project_Key_Code] => endpoint
            [The Ultimate Exhibition] => endpoint
            [noch immer nicht wahr] => endpoint
            [portrayedexe] => endpoint

    [buildspace] => Array
            [audio] => endpoint
            [img] => endpoint
            [scripts] => Array
                    [addons] => endpoint

            [structure] => endpoint

    [colinthelabrador] => endpoint
    [content] => Array
            [itm] => Array
                    [deoxyribonucleic_acid_movies] => endpoint
                    [lost_ctrl] => endpoint
                    [noch_immer_nicht_wahr] => endpoint
                    [one_must_imagion_the_user_happy] => endpoint
                    [pixel_perfect] => endpoint
                    [pixels_for_sale] => endpoint
                    [portrayed_exe] => endpoint
                    [project_key_code] => endpoint
                    [the_ultimate_exhibition] => endpoint


    [emdosbox] => endpoint
    [expo] => endpoint
    [icon] => endpoint
    [js_midi] => endpoint
    [kijkop] => Array
            [data] => endpoint
            [members] => endpoint

    [lostCTRL] => endpoint
    [mobile] => endpoint
    [one-square] => Array
            [scripts] => Array
                    [addons] => endpoint


    [onesec] => endpoint
    [portrayed_exe] => Array
            [final] => endpoint

    [scripts] => endpoint
    [signalorangeandthecolorblind] => endpoint
    [soundspace] => Array
            [audio] => endpoint
            [img] => endpoint
            [scripts] => Array
                    [addons] => endpoint

            [structure] => endpoint

    [statistics] => endpoint
    [structure] => endpoint
    [theCyborgMatrix] => Array
            [data] => endpoint

    [tyfyc] => Array
            [data] => endpoint
            [icon] => endpoint
            [scripts] => Array
                    [addons] => endpoint


    [vid] => endpoint
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