The Cyborg Art Collective is a multidisciplinary group that does not operate from a fixed location, and its members working on a particular project can vary. The main focus in every project are about philosophical and scientific questions surrounding conventional technologies and everyday life. The Cyborg Art Collective sees art as an important facet of society which can be viewed as a system mediating between different discourses, fields of study and the general culture. Artworks like The Ultimate Exhibition, Pixels for Sale and Project Key Code have been exhibited at events like the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven, Vita Tua Vita Mea in Venice during the art biennials, and conferences like Toronto Digifest.
During these kinds of events the Cyborg Art Collective aims to provide the audience with the possibility to actively interact with the artworks to generate insights and new knowledge through experience. And through this process the goal is to mediate between different discourses, and with this, disseminate ideas, concepts and beliefs held by these different fields of study.
I rather have a PDF to read [Full artistic statement]